I have lived in England for most of my life but still feel a pull to Italy. I come from the south but prefer the art and culture of the north (although not too far north). I haven't filled in much of the other profile questions because I dislike multiple choice answers as a means of telling anyone about myself. I work in a library so books and reading are an essential part of my life, as is language and the use of it.. I have a love of art and history, philosophy and discussion and would expect the man who would be interested in me to share fundamental attitudes and outlooks - if he wished for me to be interested in him, that is! I love humour and rarely wake up in a glum frame of mind - although this is a bit of a miracle, given the weather in England. It's enough to make anyone despondent! I am considered to be strong-minded - and this is probably a shorthand term for 'bolshy' when applied to a woman ... If this brief description tempts you to want to know more then get in touch.